One small step for man


 So last post I finished up with a work in progress of the study above. Looking back, DAMN I think I've finally got it! Scrolling back through all of my attempts at painting anything other than figures, my choice of colours is abysmal. For some reason I just couldn't seem to grasp de-saturating colours. At all.

But finally, something clicked, and I've been on a roll since:

I've FINALLY been achieving the depth that I've been lacking for so long, all by paying attention to colours and how they change. It's so simple I'm embarrassed I didn't understand it earlier. Seriously. 

I feel this sudden achievement has given me the confidence to want to paint so much. Still taking baby steps with my environments but I'm getting there! I've also been working on my Queen Jadis concepts and have come up with a pretty finalised design:

Queen Jadis concept

I've really enjoyed the process of designing her as well as the route I decided to take her; if she's from a different world, why can't she dress and look like it? I took a lot of my inspiration from Indian clothing and fashion, which is so incredibly beautiful and rich. It is mentioned in the book that she is part giant/very tall and beautiful/enchanting to look upon but I also wanted her to look kind of menacing and very entitled as well as powerful. I think I've achieved that!

Colour concepts
Now that I've got the final concept down I'm looking at colours for her clothes which is fun because I'm looking at such a colourful culture for reference! Hardly any limitations!

Male torso study
 And to top it all off, I've been painting loads! (all of these have been done in the past few days) It's such a nice change from the horrible art block I had earlier.

Lighting study

 I hope to be updating soon with more work, thanks for reading! :)

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